How to Generate a Business Name for a LLP Company in Chennai

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The important step in starting a business enterprise is choosing a LLP company name or ‘Business Name’

The right business name may play as a ‘catalyst’ when it comes to propelling an enterprise closer towards its success, instead of slogging on to keep the business afloat. Business name is an important factor that determines the success and growth of any business.

Business names would emerge as an asset with real value if chosen wisely.

It’s a struggle to decide on a business name that truly gives you a gist of its business and every other thing the business stands-for.

Points to remember when choosing your business name for LLP company

LLP company name must be unique and acceptable, as per Companies Act 2013, and LLP Act 2008. Your LLP name must not be similar to any existing LLP or company or trademark in the same field or industry of your business. LLP company name must end with either ‘Limited Liability Partnership’ or ‘LLP’.


The following questions can guide you to arrive at an appropriate business name:

  • How do you want your targeted audience to feel, perceive and think about your business name?
  • The ‘type of  business organization’ you are planning to set up like  in your case  Limited Liability Partnership  You need to include abbreviations accordingly in your business names like LLP in the business name etc.
  • What are the enterprise names of your business rivals? What do you like and dislike about them?
  • What are your criteria for your business name-such as special and unique, be easy to say aloud, convey about your products and services, long or short name etc.?
  • Through your business name, what would be the message that you want to convey to your audience?


Let’s go through some hints that help you choose your business names wisely:

Before we begin with hints, we would advise you to primarily avoid trademarks and patented names, already existing company or LLP names for your business names.

1.Business names should be distinctive and memorable to be effective:

Promoters need to avoid hard-to-spell names. They should be simple and easy to spell Potential customers may get confused about how to find your business online. You can also avoid having to continually correct the misspelled version of your name by keeping it simple

Ex: Suppose your business name is “Flickr” and people search online for  “Flicker” then a potential customer may miss you out by the spelling

  • They need to evoke feelings and make connections with customers
  • They’re not to be blandly descriptive or made from generic key words
  • And an original name with a perfect .com domain can become an asset with real value    

2.Business names should help broaden your horizons as your business grows:

Don’t pick and choose a name that could be limiting as your business grows in future. Picking too narrow of a name may cause you problems down the road.

Ex:- Jeff Bezos had picked the name “OnlineBooks” instead of “Amazon.” So avoid names like “Wedding Dresses of San Francisco” or “LugNuts Unlimited.” You would not want to limit your business to a particular product or a specific city.

3. Conduct a thorough Internet search with your chosen Business name.

Once you have determined a name you like, do a web search on the name. More often than not, you will find that someone else is already using that business name. While that won’t be a total showstopper, it should give you pause

4. Business names with ‘ .com’ domain name.

We recommend you to secure the “.com” domain name for your business rather than alternatives such as .net, .org, .biz, or other possible domain extensions. Customers tend to associate a .com name with a more established business. Undoubtedly, someone will already own your desired .com name, but many domain owners are willing to sell their name for the right price.

Think of acquiring the .com name you want as a business investment

5. Choose a business name that conveys some meaning.

Idyllically, you want the business name to convey something meaningful and positive related to your business. Can people instantly get what your business is about? While meaningless names like “Google,” “Yahoo,” or “Zappos” have some appeal due to their catchiness, these kinds of names will cost you a lot more to brand.

Some examples of clear, simple, and intriguing business names include. A domain name like “” is genius as it conveys the meaning of the business and is helpful for search engine optimization purposes.

6. Appraise if the name is catchy.

Obviously, we don’t want a boring name for your business, but you also don’t want to choose something that’s  too “out there” or common.We want our employees to be able to say where they work with pride and dignity rather than hesitation, and we want our name to resonate with your target audience.

A word of advice

You could always seek professional consultation from the best company registration consultants in India. CAs in Chennai have decades of experience to recommend you a good business name for LLP company. Moreover you have online business name generators too.

FilingPoint provides best company registration services at affordable costs. CAs, Company Secretaries and Financial experts are the expert team @ FilingPoint. Avail professional services for business name from the best business name consultant in the field.

For more detail please call talk to FilingPoint Consultant today.